Download metadata


Python script Need to compile metadata to perform trait associations using our metagenomic data? Interested in correlating species abundance with the origin of the sample to identify organisms associated with a particular environment or state? Try our latest metagenomics toolkit (called: “mg-toolkit”) - a beta version of a tool to enable scientists to download all of the sample metadata for a given study to a single csv file. Simply install as follows:

$ pip install -u -U mg-toolkit
$ mg-toolkit original_metadata -a ERP001736 

or use it directly from within your Python script:

>>> from mg_toolkit.metadata import OriginalMetadata
>>> om = OriginalMetadata("SRP034967")
>>> om.save_to_csv(om.fetch_metadata(), "SRP034967_metadata.csv")

We will add more useful tools to help processing metadata and annotations in the future.

Metadata matters!

Download metadata!

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